Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Pause Control

It's too bad our lives don't come with a pause control. Actions follows actions almost without interruption. It's hard to even take a crap in peace these days. I swear I've called people on their cellphone only to hear water flushing during the conversation. That's more than I want to know.

Ngakpa Chögyam once gave a very concise Dzogchen "pointing out." He said (and I liberally paraphrase) "engage in random acts of meditation." Just put yourself on pause once in a while, during harmless daily activities (like typing this blog), relax, and open into a state of meditation. Pause.

That moment of silence, before the first thought rushes in to fill the sudden void in internal/external activity - thats IT!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Controlled Folly

Carlos Castaneda has been accused of borrowing themes from Buddhism, but I think this shortchanges the brujo. Southern Buddhism advocates a very withdrawn, quietest lifestyle; and while some northern schools of Buddhism seem to accept more extreme behavior (wild tales of Ch'an masters and Tantric yogis), Carlos seems to be taking more of a middle path - live an "ordinary" life, but control it, don't let it control you. The actions of ordinary beings are folly - therefore live the life of a warrior, and control your folly, don't indulge in it or let it control you.

I think of this sometimes as I go to work...or deal with family shit.