Friday, June 24, 2005

God Has Joined the Air Force

The New York Times has an article in its June 24, 2005, print and online editions about religious intolerance/insensitivity at the Air Force Academy. It appears that fundamentalist Christians are very active at the Academy, supported by the Chaplains and the administration, and the staff is now mixing religious appeals in with the other student activities. From the scope of the mixture, it sounds like the Air Force Academy is now more of a religious college than a secular university. I thought this stuff was prohibited by the Establishment of Religions clause of the Constitution.

The real howler in the article was that an atheist was not allowed to start a Freethinker student club, on grounds that it was antireligious.

While I am not against a prayer before going into battle, I am against sending my Jewish/Buddhist/Hindu son/daughter off to serve our country and having them indoctrinated into another religion. They are going to college, not joining a cult.


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